

How Are Investments in Genomics Driving Research Projects?

Research and development (R&D) activities are an important part of the healthcare industry, as it is through such activities that cures and treatments for diseases that were previously incurable are found.
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Pramod Kumar | 2022-03-04

How Are Investments in Genomics Driving Research Projects?

Science, Healthcare, Business | 4 min read
4 ways we're destroying the environment without even realising

We're accustomed to being told that driving less, wasting less electricty and recycling more can help save our planet, but many of us do things that have a huge impact without us realising it.
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Dillon Lad | 2021-07-10

4 ways we're destroying the environment without even realising

Environment | 4 min read
The science behind The Matrix: can we power the world with our own mind and bodies?

The Matrix is one of the most popular sci-fis of all time, it changed the way we talk about the future. AI may be inevitable, but could they actually use humans to power their grid?
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Dillon Lad | 2021-04-26

The science behind The Matrix: can we power the world with our own mind and bodies?

Technology, Science, Film | 4 min read
Breaking up Big Tech with a decentralised internet for the future

When combining the major tech companies: Facebook, Google, Netflix, Amazon, Microsoft and Apple, over 40% of the world’s internet activity is spent with these giants. Do they have too much power? A Decentralised web might just provide a solution.
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Dillon Lad | 2021-01-29

Breaking up Big Tech with a decentralised internet for the future

Technology | 4 min read
Understanding COVID-19… in all its forms

Since the outbreak came to our news in December 2019, COVID-19 has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Our saving grace came late in 2020 in the form of a vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech. But this has since been overshadowed by the emergence of new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
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Dillon Lad | 2020-12-31

Understanding COVID-19… in all its forms

Science, Healthcare | 4 min read
The shocking behavioural psychology and design behind the world's social media addiction

There's no question that social media is having a hige impact on the mental health of the younger generations, but compelling accounts from ex-employees of the likes of Facebook show that social media companies want you to be addicted
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Dillon Lad | 2020-11-30

The shocking behavioural psychology and design behind the world's social media addiction

Technology, Healthcare | 4 min read
How the Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionising the world around us

The Internet of Things describes the network of things and physical objects around us that are connected to the internet. Over the past decade, the IoT has rapidly increased in size, and continues to do so. It seems as though every year there are new types of objects connected to the internet.
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Dillon Lad | 2020-09-22

How the Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionising the world around us

Technology | 4 min read
The future of ocean exploration

In recent years, space exploration has taken some giant leaps forward... but why has ocean exploration fallen behind. We take a look at the technology that will be driving us to the bottom of our oceans
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Dillon Lad | 2020-09-03

The future of ocean exploration

Environment, Technology | 4 min read
Is 5G here to stay?

5G, the successor of 4G, is the new standard for wireless technology and global mobile networks, but its rollout has been far more complicated than previous mobile networks
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Rajan Kholia | 2020-08-25

Is 5G here to stay?

Technology | 4 min read
A further look at China’s social credit system

China's Social Credit System is set to be released this year. It will use big data and AI to determine how trustworthy someone might be and could help crack down on fraudulent behaviour
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Dillon Lad | 2020-08-12

A further look at China’s social credit system

Technology, Politics | 4 min read
Putting Tech in Tennis

Technology is having a huge influence in sport, in particular Tennis. On the court, Hawk-Eye has a huge impact on fan experience and the outcome of a game. But off the court, AI is being used to provide in-depth player analysis to help players adapt to their opponent.
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Rajan Kholia | 2020-08-04

Putting Tech in Tennis

Technology, Sport | 4 min read
Are we in the midst of a tech cold war between the US and China?

The recent decision by the UK government to ban Huawei from 5G networks adds to a long list of events that suggest a tech cold war between the US and China
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Dillon Lad | 2020-07-22

Are we in the midst of a tech cold war between the US and China?

Technology, Politics | 4 min read
How technology can shape the corporate world of the future: Episode 3 - RegTech in all its glory

The COVID-19 pandemic has meant companies and corporations have had to change the way that they practice, and in doing so sticking to their own regulations to protect themselves has become even more difficult.
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Why storing computer data in DNA could be so important in the future

The big data world is growing each day, and we're running out of places to store it. DNA could provide a huge amounts of data storage in just tiny amounts.
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Dillon Lad | 2020-07-02

Why storing computer data in DNA could be so important in the future

Technology, Science | 4 min read
Today’s technology, tomorrow’s skincare

The skin is our largest organ, yet sometimes we fail to take care of it. What if there was an AI mobile app that could tell you everything you need to do to maintain healthy skin from just a selfie?
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Rajan Kholia | 2020-06-27

Today’s technology, tomorrow’s skincare

Technology, Healthcare | 4 min read
The resurgence of Anonymous and the effects of hacktivism

The sickening murder of George Floyd prompted widespread uproar against ongoing police brutality against the black community. Amidst the riots and the protests, hacktivist movement ‘Anonymous’ seems to have reappeared.
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Dillon Lad | 2020-06-09

The resurgence of Anonymous and the effects of hacktivism

Technology, Politics | 4 min read
Quantum Computing & Encryption: Should We Be Scared?

So much data is transmitted every minute through web browsing and emails, but is quantum computing a threat to the privacy of our data?
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Rajan Kholia | 2020-06-02

Quantum Computing & Encryption: Should We Be Scared?

Technology | 4 min read
The age of in silico – Using computers instead of animals

New techniques in in silico drug testing are being used to find a treatment for COVID-19. Some HIV treatments are proving to be effective against the novel coronavirus.
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Dillon Lad | 2020-05-22

The age of in silico – Using computers instead of animals

Healthcare, Technology | 4 min read
How technology can shape the corporate world of the future: Episode 2 - How has COVID-19 affected FinTech?

FinTech is struggling to adapt to the COVID-19, so how are FinTech companies coping, and how will tech giants like Google react?
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How is AI being used to crack down on human trafficking?

The use of AI in law enforcement raises all kinds of legal and ethical concerns. But Marinus Analytics have shown that AI can be a powerful tool in stopping human trafficking.
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Dillon Lad | 2020-05-04

How is AI being used to crack down on human trafficking?

Technology | 4 min read
How technology can shape the corporate world of the future: Episode 1 - LawTech vs LegalTech... Who Wins?

Technology manifests itself within the legal industry through both LawTech and LegalTech, how do they compare and why are some firms resistant to change?
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How to avoid turning Earth into a wasteland: Episode 2 – How AI can save our rainforests

15% of climate change is due to deforestation, but researchers and tech giants around the world are using artificial intelligence to beat it.
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Dillon Lad | 2020-04-23

How to avoid turning Earth into a wasteland: Episode 2 – How AI can save our rainforests

Technology, Environment | 4 min read
How to avoid turning Earth into a wasteland: Episode 1 – A novel enzyme that can break down your plastic waste?

We produce 359 million tonnes of plastic rubbish worldwide every year, which is a massive problem, but scientists have developed a novel enzyme which might help us reduce our waste significantly
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The Science of Inception: can new technologies read and influence your dreams?

'Inception' is one of THE biggest sci-fi movies of our generation: a Christopher Nolan classic, but how much of the film 'Inception' is reality?
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Dillon Lad | 2020-04-04

The Science of Inception: can new technologies read and influence your dreams?

Technology, Film | 4 min read
MVX Protex, a new nanotech anti-microbial spray produced by Nanotera Group, can be used to fight the novel coronavirus

A nanotech firm called Nanotera Group have developed an anti-coronavirus spray for surfaces called MVX Protex, which can also be applied to masks to help protect against COVID-19. How does it work and where can you get it?
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The COVID-19 pandemic appears to have reduced pollution levels worldwide, but will this last?

The COVID-19 pandemic has the world on its knees, but reductions in pollution seem to be an unforeseen consequence, one which could have a significant impact on the climate change crisis. But how long will these changes last?
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Are ‘deepfakes’ our biggest threat to democracy?

Deepfake technology is a subset of artificial intelligence (AI). People can creat ultra-realistic media from very little samples using machine learning.
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Dillon Lad | 2020-04-02

Are ‘deepfakes’ our biggest threat to democracy?

Technology | 4 min read
A race against time: how AI is being used in the fight against COVID-19

In wake of the recent crisis, some of the major tech giants are looking to play their part in containing and finding a cure for the COVID-19 disease which has, so far, claimed over 5,000 lives. AI and technology have been progressing exponentially in recent years and healthcare is an industry set to benefit massively.
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Dillon Lad | 2020-04-02

A race against time: how AI is being used in the fight against COVID-19

Technology | 4 min read
COVID-19 – what is the plan and will it work?

In the space of a few months we’ve watched COVID-19 develop from a localised epidemic in the city of Wuhan, China, to one of the largest pandemics of our generation. It’s ridiculously contagious and has the nation in complete panic.
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Dillon Lad | 2020-04-02

COVID-19 – what is the plan and will it work?

Healthcare | 4 min read